
4.9 Stars - Based on 642 User Reviews


Our collagen elixir is the key to stunning skin,  glossy hair, and exceptionally strong nails. Allow yourself a touch of luxury that will transform your daily beauty


4.9 Stars - Based on 642 User Reviews


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Why beauty shot?

inadequate level of collagen






adequate level of collagen


moisturized skin

moisturized HAIR



marine collagen

10 000mg High-Quality Hydrolysed Marine Collagen Peptides Type I & III

Hyaluronic Acid

100mg High-Quality Hyaluronic Acid for properly moisturized skin

Vitamins B

Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B7 (Biotin), & Vitamin B12, for best results

Vitamin C

120mg Vitamin C to help the absorption of collagen into our body


The first effects on our skin will be visible
after 6-8 weeks


95% Absorption rate in the human body compared to other forms of collagen


Handy bottle and you can drink it straight away or add it to any drink or food


100% Natural berry flavour, no added sugar and artificial colour in one shot

adequate level of collagen

inadequate level of collagen

Why beauty shot?



Hydrolysed Marine Collagen

Hydrolysed Marine Collagen

Marine collagen improves the firmness and elasticity of the skin and helps maintain the proper hydration level. Thanks to this, the skin looks radiant and healthy, and the visibility of wrinkles is minimized. Collagen also positively affects hair and nails because collagen can strengthen nails, prevent them from splitting and breaking, and make hair thick and shiny.

Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic Acid

Responsible for the proper level of skin hydration. One molecule of hyaluronic acid can bind up to 250 molecules of water. When the level of hyaluronic acid in the skin decreases, collagen fibres degenerate. As a result, the skin becomes dry, flaccid and wrinkles appear.
Vitamin B5

Vitamin B5

Vitamin B5

Vitamin B5 is an essential building block of the skin - in the case of even the slightest deficiency, problems with blemishes and acne begin. It is responsible for the degree of hair pigmentation and prevents premature greying; it also prevents the formation of wrinkles and skin dehydration.
Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12

Prevents dryness and dullness of skin. A dull and unhealthy complexion may be the result of Vitamin B12 deficiency. Vitamin B12 improves the skin tone, texture and moisture retention power of the skin. As a result, your skin appears brighter and more nourished. Cobalamin also stimulates hair and nail growth.



It is an excellent antioxidant. By eliminating free radicals, selenium allows undisturbed, healthy hair growth. Quite a lot of selenium is concentrated in the thyroid gland. Therefore, this element regulates the production and operation of the hormones in this organ. They play a significant role in controlling the hair growth process.
Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6

It has anti-inflammatory properties and regulates the work of the sebaceous glands, which prevents the formation of blackheads. It has antioxidant properties - neutralizes free radicals, and supports collagen synthesis. As a result, it slows down the ageing process of the skin caused, for example, by UV radiation.
Vitamin C

Vitamin C

Vitamin C

It stimulates fibroblasts to produce collagen, improves skin firmness and smoothes wrinkles, and regulates the production of melanin - brightening discolourations and preventing their formation. It adds radiance to the skin, lights it, gives the face a fresh, rested colour, and soothes inflammation.



Silica is necessary for the body to produce collagen and works as a natural anti-inflammatory. Keeps skin, nails and hair healthy. Silica gives you a glow because it is a strong carrier of oxygen, increasing the transport of nutrients and oxygen to the skin. Silica removes visible signs of ageing by promoting the natural production of collagen.
Vitamin B7

Vitamin B7

Vitamin B7

Vitamin B7 participates in the process of keratin formation, as well as cell division within the hair, skin and nails. This improves the growth of hair and nails, reduces their fragility and improves the skin's condition. It has been shown that biotin reduces hair greying and slows down the baldness process.
Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3

Protects skin cells against damage caused by UV radiation. It has soothing solid properties and antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It increases the production of the protein responsible for the skin's barrier functions, significantly improving the skin's condition. Vitamin D3 receptors also initiate hair growth.



Zinc is involved in cell division processes (i.e. processes essential for hair growth). The basic building block of hair is keratin, and zinc is used in its creation. It also affects the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Deficiency of this element weakens the hair and contributes to its more significant loss.
Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6

It has anti-inflammatory properties and regulates the work of the sebaceous glands, which prevents the formation of blackheads. It has antioxidant properties - neutralizes free radicals, and supports collagen synthesis. As a result, it slows down the ageing process of the skin caused, for example, by UV radiation.
Vitamin B5

Vitamin B5

Vitamin B5

Vitamin B5 is an essential building block of the skin - in the case of even the slightest deficiency, problems with blemishes and acne begin. It is responsible for the degree of hair pigmentation and prevents premature greying; it also prevents the formation of wrinkles and skin dehydration.
Vitamin B7

Vitamin B7

Vitamin B7

Vitamin B7 participates in the process of keratin formation, as well as cell division within the hair, skin and nails. This improves the growth of hair and nails, reduces their fragility and improves the skin's condition. It has been shown that biotin reduces hair greying and slows down the baldness process.
Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12

Prevents dryness and dullness of skin. A dull and unhealthy complexion may be the result of Vitamin B12 deficiency. Vitamin B12 improves the skin tone, texture and moisture retention power of the skin. As a result, your skin appears brighter and more nourished. Cobalamin also stimulates hair and nail growth.
Vitamin C

Vitamin C

Vitamin C

It stimulates fibroblasts to produce collagen, improves skin firmness and smoothes wrinkles, and regulates the production of melanin - brightening discolourations and preventing their formation. It adds radiance to the skin, lights it, gives the face a fresh, rested colour, and soothes inflammation.
Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3

Protects skin cells against damage caused by UV radiation. It has soothing solid properties and antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It increases the production of the protein responsible for the skin's barrier functions, significantly improving the skin's condition. Vitamin D3 receptors also initiate hair growth.



It is an excellent antioxidant. By eliminating free radicals, selenium allows undisturbed, healthy hair growth. Quite a lot of selenium is concentrated in the thyroid gland. Therefore, this element regulates the production and operation of the hormones in this organ. They play a significant role in controlling the hair growth process.



Silica is necessary for the body to produce collagen and works as a natural anti-inflammatory. Keeps skin, nails and hair healthy. Silica gives you a glow because it is a strong carrier of oxygen, increasing the transport of nutrients and oxygen to the skin. Silica removes visible signs of ageing by promoting the natural production of collagen.



Zinc is involved in cell division processes (i.e. processes essential for hair growth). The basic building block of hair is keratin, and zinc is used in its creation. It also affects the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Deficiency of this element weakens the hair and contributes to its more significant loss.

Check the exact composition of the product.

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Be your own kind of beauty



10 000mg High-Quality Hydrolysed Marine Collagen Peptides Type I & III


95% Absorption rate in the human body compared to other forms of collagen

Vitamins B

Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B7 (Biotin), & Vitamin B12, for best results


100% Natural berry flavour, no added sugar and artificial colour in one shot

Hyaluronic Acid

100mg High-Quality Hyaluronic Acid for properly moisturized skin


The first effects on our skin will be visible
after 6-8 weeks

Vitamin C

120mg Vitamin C to help absorption of collagen into our body


Handy bottle and you can drink it straight away or add it to any drink or food


Hydrolyzed marine collagen is a collagen protein that has undergone a process called hydrolysis. This resulted in the breakdown of the collagen molecule into smaller collagen peptides, which are easier to absorb and thus easier to assimilate by our body.

Marine collagen is extracted from cold-water fish. Because it is absorbed more efficiently and enters the bloodstream more quickly, it is considered the best source for your skin. Marine collagen is absorbed up to 1.5 times more efficiently into the body, which means it has superior bioavailability over bovine or porcine types. For example, you need 1.5 times more bovine collagen than marine collagen for the same effect. This is due to its smaller particle size compared to other types of collagen. The smaller particle size allows an easier and faster uptake and transportation of the collagen peptides to the skin, bones and joints to synthesise new collagen.

Collagen is one of the most important proteins found in the human body. It builds the skin, connective tissue, cartilage, eye cornea, blood vessels and bones. Thanks to it, the skin is firm and elastic, bones grow together, wounds heal quickly, and joints function properly. However, with age, the body’s ability to synthesize collagen decreases, which is already the case after the age of 25 on average. Therefore, if you want to stay young longer, we recommend systematic collagen supplementation – whether by eating products rich in this unique protein of youth or by supplementation.

In youth, we do not have to worry about the presence of collagen in our bodies. On average, until the age of 25, collagen is synthesized in the body. Unfortunately, with advancing age, collagen breakdown begins to overtake its synthesis, manifesting in wrinkles, cellulite, flaccidity and the general weakening of skin structures. To stop the accelerating skin ageing process, it is necessary to reverse this process and, through supplementation, slow down the breakdown of collagen while accelerating its synthesis.

Hydrolyzed collagen improves the appearance of the skin and its hydration and also delays the skin’s ageing process. Thanks to the ability to bind water, it ensures proper skin hydration. Collagen can also help reduce cellulite and stretch marks. As the skin becomes thinner and less elastic due to the decrease in the level of collagen in the body, its supplementation can improve the skin’s tension, making the hollows less visible.

Collagen provides essential amino acids that nourish hair bulbs and affect their proper growth and reconstruction. Collagen deficiency often manifests itself in thin, dry and brittle hair. They also begin to fall out excessively, leading to premature baldness. Collagen supplementation affects the regeneration of damaged hair.

Collagen protein is a fundamental building block of nails. Collagen itself affects the hardness of the nail plate, which means that in the event of its deficiency, nails become much weaker, break and split.

Our collagen is sourced from freshwater fish as it resembles human collagen. Such fish collagen is an entirely natural protein, free from impurities and characterized by much more excellent properties. Fish collagen contains precious collagen and several polypeptides and amino acids that increase its effectiveness.

Our top priority is safety. Our products are made in the most modern laboratory by the principles of GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), and each of our products has undergone rigorous testing so that you can feel safe using our supplements.

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5-HTP 200mg | Hydrotryptophan | Griffonia Simplicifolia

5-HTP is derived from Griffonia Simplicifolia seed extract. You will find as much as 99% of the extract in our preparation. The preparation was created for people who have problems falling asleep, with stress, anxiety attacks and are overweight. 5-HTP is otherwise known as 5-Hydroxytryptophan, which increases the level of serotonin in our brain.

Beauty Shot Sample

Beauty Shot is enriched witch 10 000 mg of Hydrolised Marine Collagen. That’s more than double the amount of collagen required for collagen production in the dermis to be triggered by the fibroblasts (the cells responsible for collagen production). Each dose of Beauty Shot is also enriched with 100 mg Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamins and Minerals. They’re all working together with the collagen to protect and reproduce healthy skin cells and reduce the impression of wrinkles, nourish and improve the quality of the skin and help keep it healthy and strong.

Beauty Shot | Liquid Collagen | 10 000mg | Skin, Hair, Nails

Original price was: £39.99.Current price is: £29.99.
First collagen shot created in cooperation with aesthetic medicine doctors. Our products are used in aesthetic medicine salons in the UK and EU as a complement to anti-aging treatments.

  1 000 000 boxes sold in UK!

  10 000 mg of Hydrolised Marine Collagen Peptides,   Skin Hydration and Elasticity   Stronger Hair and Nails   Antioxidant Protection Do you want real results? Choose wisely and trust the specialists with many years of experience.

Biotin 10,000μg | Vitamin B7 | Skin, Hair Nail

Biotin is recommended to all people who struggle with Vitamin B7 deficiencies. Biotin is also called the Vitamin of Beauty because thanks to it our hair, skin and nails are in good condition. Its properties, however, are much wider, because it can also support the work of the thyroid gland and pancreas, as well as the immune system. Symptoms of biotin deficiency are primarily related to our skin, hair and nails. One of the symptoms is excessive hair loss. Breaking nails and irritated skin are also common symptoms of biotin deficiency.

Marine Collagen with Hyaluronic acid, Vitamin C & E

Our Hydrolyzed Marine Collagen is produced from the skin of wild sea fish, such as silver carp, salmon, cod, etc. Marine Collagen has the most similar structure to human collagen, therefore it is best absorbed by our body. Collagen helps delay the signs of aging such as wrinkles, skin elasticity, joint problems, and weakness. It also helps in the growth of hair and nails and improves the quality of sleep.

Natural Detox

Detox is a product with carefully selected ingredients that help cleanse your body of unnecessary toxins and bacteria. Trust the specialists and feel better after just a few days!

Omega 3

Experience the health-enhancing benefits of our Omega-3 supplement, featuring a potent combination of 1200 mg of EPA and 600 mg of DHA in each serving. This powerful formula supports cardiovascular health, improves cognitive function, and helps reduce inflammation throughout the body. Perfect for enhancing your overall well-being, our Omega-3 supplement is an essential addition to a balanced lifestyle.

Vita-Min Complex | 26 Vitamins & Minerals

Vita-Min Complex is a unique formula containing a carefully selected blend of essential 26 carefully selected vitamins and minerals vital for maintaining optimal health and well-being. Designed with adults in mind, this dietary supplement is the perfect solution for those seeking to enhance their daily diet.

Vitamin C 1000mg | Rosehip and Bioflavonoids | Immune Support

Vitamin C is an essential ingredient for collagen synthesis. Thanks to that, cartilage tissues have the correct structure, which supports the proper functioning of the skin, teeth, gums and bones. Vitamin C has an antioxidant effect, thanks to which it protects cells against oxidative stress and also contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.

Vitamin D3 10 000iu

Vitamin D3 is an essential element necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Our climate does not guarantee sunny weather all year round, so many people suffer from Vitamin D3 deficiency. For this reason, it is worth taking care of a proper diet and supplementation, which will help us ensure the optimal state of Vitamin D3 in our body.